Some pictorial highlights of Christmas and Boxing Day 05. Sorry about the duplicates. This posting photos can be a tricky business! Click the photos if you want to see them as larger images.
We missed the India Russells and Williams Lake Russells, but managed to have a good time anyway! After the usual extremely busy pre-Christmas social season and heavy back-and-forth freeway travel of Christmas Eve and Boxing Day, we have spent the last week taking it extremely easy, partly influenced by chain-illness: first Molly, then me (slightly), then Miles, now Daryl. No crisis for Miles. Hurray! He was feverish for a day, then declared at 10:30 pm: "Me better Mum!" and proceeded to play with his new choo choos for an hour.
(The Thomas train set was definitely the highlight of the Christmas season for him, although he's also enjoying balancing on the new skateboard that Santa brought for Daryl and him, as is Emma! Molly had 100 songs downloaded on her new iPod by noon on Christmas Day, Emma is enjoying various crafty presents, and I'm ploughing through books and CDs and both Daryl and I are digging our newest Nikon! And we're all enjoying playing with the choo choos!)
I don't think I've cocooned as much as I have the past six days in years. Lots of reading, doing jigsaw puzzles (my favourite mental relaxation), watching movies, and being clung to by and cuddling with Miles. Once I got basic chores out of the way and decluttered a bit, it was really hard to get used to only having to choose between fun options. Do I read another chapter of this gripping novel? Go back to my addictive puzzle? Play a game with the girls? Or browse through my new historical atlas of the Lower Mainland? Got to the gym once, on a lovely leisurely bike ride one afteroon, and on a few nice walks, but not as much exercise as I wold have liked, partly because of my chest cold and partly because of a couple days with a sick boy. Daryl and the girls did get skiing to Manning once.
Can highly recommend the fictional autobiography of conjoined twins, The Girls, by Lori Lansens.
Out to face the world again tomorrow!
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