Monday, March 02, 2009

Goodbye to Sophie

Goodbye to Sophie, originally uploaded by Rosedale Annie.

Sophie was with us for 12 years, arriving as a stray kitten with a cranky attitude. She was always beautiful and always moody – didn’t much like other cats or most people. She had a kink in her tail that she hated to have touched and was also very averse to belly rubs. She wasn’t afraid to growl, scratch, or bite. But she and I developed a mutually trusting and affectionate relationship after a few years. She liked having her back, chin, head, and mouth stroked. She liked lying on me and purring. She was even friendly with the kids at times, and enjoyed sleeping on their beds. She sometimes liked to play friskily with toys. She had a love affair with Thomas the cat for the few years he was with us and also carried on secretly with Barney the dog (not realizing we were watching them out the window).

In our current configuration of cats she was the scapegoat, always being picked on, to the extent that she had a constant open wound on her shoulder. When we heard of an old lady who was looking for an old lady cat, we arranged a transfer. I hope she is happy there. I hear they’ve reached the purring and snuggling-on-laps stage after 10 days.

Hope you're happy in your retirement, Sophie dear!

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