Dad got off a little easier than mum in the profile written by Miles for Father's Day this year:
My dad is ?.:# years old.
(If uncertain, use random typography instead of guessing -- it's more fun)
He lives in Chilliwack.
(Got that right.)
He likes to play New! Super Mario Bros
He also likes to play computer
(Sounds like Miles is profiling himself again)
I like to 'rascli' with my dad.
(A very creative attempt at spelling wrestle.)
My dad likes to eat ribs.
He likes to go to his ofifs.
(And sometimes his office.)
My dad is a very awesome man.
(The highest form of praise.)
I know my Dad loves me because he drives my friends.
(This after impressing them with our 'cool twuck' at his birthday party.)
My dad is special to me because he: bought me a thing that I wanted.
(And the egocentrism creeps in again!)
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
How they see us -- Part 2
Monday, November 29, 2010
How they see us

So the boy, aged almost 7 at the time, filled out profiles of his mum for Mother's Day and his Dad for Father's Day this year. Been hanging on to these little views of ourselves from our progeny because they're quite revealing! Although Miles certainly isn't paying too close attention to his mum's likes and dislikes. My favourite thing is definitely NOT watching dad watch hockey games.
(The above photo, one of my faves, is from when he was 3 and much less concerned with being cool or funny.)
About my Mum
By Miles
(Spelling corrected because the editor in me can't help it.)
What is something your mum always says to you?
Hurry up.
What makes mum happy?
Dad watching hockey.
Um, only in the sense that I'm glad he's got himself a hobby.
What makes mum sad?
My wart (do we sense a little egocentrism here?)
How does your mum make you laugh?
She do not laugh :-(
(He must have observed me on a bad day.)
What was your mum like as a child?
How old is your mum?
(And looking goooooood!)
How tall is your mum?
I do not know.
(As my friend Sandy would say, how tall do I CONSIDER myself to be. That is the question.)
What is her favourite thing to do?
Yell at Molly.
(Well, I have to do it a lot as she is punctuality-challenged, but favourite?)
What does your mum do when you're not around?
Go on the computer.
(Guilty as charged.)
If your mum becomes famous, what will it be for?
Getting people jobs.
(Well, indirectly, by telling them what a great university we have and convincing them and their children to go here.)
What is your mum really good at?
All her yelling.
(Really? He should go live with the Italian auntie for a while and find out what loud is really like!)
What is your mum not very good at?
What does your mum do for work?
Get people jobs
(Sort of. It's hard to explain media and communications coordinator in the post-secondary sector to a six-year-old.)
What is your mum's favourite food?
(Definitely not. Someone's doing a little transference here.)
What makes you proud of your mum?
Getting people jobs
(I guess I should get busy on that then, hey?)
If your mum were a cartoon character, who would she be?
Aloha (from Sponge Bob, apparently)
What do you and your mum do together?
Go geocaching with other people.
(Thank you, Alyson, for being supermom, buying the equipment, doing the research, and letting us tag along on something he obviously enjoys.)
How are you and your mum different?
She is a girl and I am a boy.
(Glad we've got that sorted out.)
How do you know your mum loves you?
I do not know.
(Aw, C'MON! All those bedtime snuggles, stories, hugs, Wii matches, dog walks, movie nights, count for nothing? Not to mention the multiple multi-day hospital stays during your worst asthma phase, oh, and a little carrying you in my belly for nine months, birthing you, and breastfeeding for several years? I guess he's entered the 'too cool to love your mum' stage, at least in his public persona.)
Where is your mum's favourite place to go?
Teapot Hill.
(Well that's one of them, especially when I go with you!)
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